March EGS Meeting

A note from Sabrina…

Good Day Fellow EGS members!

I hope we are all on for this Saturday! 
After a lot of deliberation I have decided to go with the following theme for our upcoming event.

It must be a one bite appie and cannot be fried.  Simply put, you can pop it in your mouth and away you go. My idea behind the one bite appie is to keep things a bit healthier this time around so keep it small and delicious.
Spouses: Your drink task is to pick a favorite vino under $20 to pair with the one bite appie.  (Thanks to Kat for this idea)

I will send out an email on Friday morning with the link to a restaurant website.  Chefs: you must select an entree from the website menu and try to replicate the dish.  If possible, let’s try to select something different and advise each other by noon Friday on what we are making.  To be fair, I am not going to be a part of the restaurant selection.  My good pal Bruce will be selecting it and I will find out when I send the email to you. I also recognize that we may not be able to access all of the ingredients in the menu so substitutions will be allowed on the basis that you could not locate the initial ingredient.  We will be judged on the taste, plating and similarity to the description provided.
Spouses: Pair which ever bevie you best see fit!  And remember…no helping in the kitchen 😉

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